Mars Creative, founded in November 2019, is an experimental studio, offering both experience design services and creativity coaching.

Founder Marielle Vargas spent the better part of decade at award winning architecture firms, she dedicated her spatial skills and intuitive design sense to translate brands into tangible experiences. Through agency work with the likes of Rosie Lee, and direct client work with Nike, she continued to expand her knowledge of design process and creative teams.

Currently, Marielle as Mars Creative continues to design retail spaces, strategize consumer experience and integrate graphic design and branding into each project. Bringing spaces to life for brands is her focus, and now with the state of the world, her strong point of view on the direction of retail will continue to evolve. Her most recent clients include Timberland, Lalo, Monos, ThirdLove, Mack Weldon, and STORY @ Macy’s.

A multidisciplinary designer, Marielle’s capabilities include architectural thinking, interior sensibilities, branding and retail event design. As she travelled through her path as a creative in NYC, Marielle picked up knowledge and tools along the way. In the past year she has developed a Creativity Deck as a modality to help people through creative blocks.

For more on her creativity coaching practice visit Mars Creative.

While her quest for inspiration takes her on many travels, she calls Brooklyn, NY home.

Follow Mars Creative on Instagram for Weekly Readings with her deck Break Oracle!

For any further inquiries please contact Marielle: